Thursday, December 16, 2010

Napoleon Bonaparte! How could you!

         My god! I have been named the “genius of evil” by Napoleon Bonaparte! How can this be! I am a man who has always upheld the right of the monarch to choose ministers and to participate in government, and at the same time I always maintain the privileges of Parliament in the legislative process and in the governing of the country. Suddenly, a man named Napoleon calls me a genius of evil? Impossible, my whole life I have dedicated to the good-welfare of the country! Napoleon is a short and incompetent little fool! Although, he is popular among the people for his victorious battles; I despise him! Napoleon Bonaparte, I believe is becoming too powerful! As days pass I seem him in a higher position and rank. Now he has become a leader. He has created a dictatorship! Countless days pass; it is no doubt Napoleon has become too powerful! He now controls about 1/3 of the Eastern hemisphere! It is impossible for me to handle, I shall retake my position as Minister! I must stand up and take arms against Napoleon alongside Great Britain. Meanwhile, I must bear my old age and health as I believe I am rapidly dying. The Battle of Austerlitz must be successful. I truly believe we can win against Napoleon! However, I have recently received news that my predictions were wrong. Britain has lost. I am heartbroken and drunk. Roll up that map; it will not be wanted these ten years. I am regretful to the loss Britain has recently suffered. I believe these may be the last words I have to speak. I am of old age and I believe I have drunk too much.

Debt? Debt? And More Debt!?!?

                                  A Guide to Why National Debt is Bad!
       - Before you read my post, take a look at the video to inform yourself about how national debts work!

          Unbelievable, the national debt of Britain is staggering far too high! Due to, the war with the rebelling colonies, our debt has been rapidly increasing, due to the finance needed for war. Even my imposing taxes cannot pay off this debt! I must create a new method; alas, I got it I shall introduce new measures to reduce smuggling and fraud. I will institute the sinking fund to reduce the national debt as well. Each year, £1,000,000 of the surplus revenue raised by new taxes will to be added to the fund so that it could accumulate interest; eventually, the money in the fund will to be used to pay off the national debt. Hopefully, this new method shall pay off the national debt! However, as a safety precaution I shall change the tax system to improve its efficiency. Finally, I truly believe the national debt shall be paid off. Countless of my methods have been rejected by either the monarchy or parliament. Thus, I am angered as most of my methods were for the good of the country, but were deemed as “unnecessary”.
          Haha it seems, Britain is not the only one with a debt! I must admit, I have gathered quite a debt myself. However, I do not have anyone to leave my debts to as I am not married nor do I have kids. In addition, most of my debts are from decisions which I truly regret such as purchasing a house which my friends convinced me too. However, through much of my success people have helped me satisfy my creditors. Such as my friends whom have helped me sell my house, and the House of Commons who raised money for me. I am truly grateful! I believe my debt is amounted at £40,000, however, on my behalf Parliament has agreed to pay it all for me!

Enlightenment? In America? Cause of the French Revolution?

          America, now free as Great Britain was defeated, has become an independent country. As a new country, I believe they must have written a Constitution. Alas! I was correct one of their politician’s named Thomas Jefferson has written the Constitution of the United States otherwise, known as the Declaration of Independence! My god! Is it true! It can’t be! It must be a dream! On July 4, 1776 America has officially declared their new system of government to give equality to all people! I cannot believe it! Will America be the first to be successful in an Enlightened form of government? The Constitution of the United States claims people will gain freedom of speech, press, and the right to bear arms. In addition, it promises equal rights to all men as all men are considered equal. It may be a dream come true! I have witnessed the results and have also heard from returning soldiers from America that the system is actually working! However, serfdom is still continued, but I believe it will slowly decrease and one day everyone will be equal! Now, how will this result affect Europe? I believe Europe will slowly change into a country of with Enlightenment ideas. AS of now I am the Prime Minister of Great Britain. I shall do the best of my abilities to change Europe into a country like the United States. Furthermore, as the American Revolution revolutionized how citizens of Europe thought about a government based on Enlightenment ideas has lead to the French Revolution! Through the French Revolution I am constantly failing – IT IS UNBEARABLE! My reform bill has failed in addition; I was forced to protect the kingdom's gold reserves by preventing individuals from exchanging banknotes for gold.  I was also forced to introduce Great Britain's first ever income tax. The new tax helped offset losses in indirect tax revenue, which had been caused by a decline in trade. Despite my efforts of and British allies, the French continued to defeat the members of the First Coalition, which collapsed in on 1798!

War? With America!?

          Ahh, I had no idea the situation with the colonies in America would become so out of hand! Supposedly, America furiously dislikes our taxes which, we Great Britain impose onto them. In addition, they believe our system of government, in which, one single authority is in power is ridiculous? Impossible, I would have never expected America to betray Britain, in addition, to starting a revolution and war with us! My god, I fear for Great Britain’s success as countless other European countries are aiding America in the war against us, as a way to achieve revenge! Alas! It seems I have been right to fear for my country! Although, the king believed our army was incomparable to those of the French and colonies, he was wrong! At first, it had seemed the war has been in our favor, however, the combined French and America army was supported with an armed French fleet! My greatest fears have only just begun! It is undeniably possible we Great Britain will lose this war! The time has come! It is official, the combined army of France and America proved ultimately stronger! My country had lost to America. My god, what will become of me and my country! Losing the war to the 13 colonies will no doubt bring shame to Great Britain. It is possible my country will lose its hubris which we had once boasted! I will not let me country quiver, I shall save my country! The defeat heightened dissension and escalated political antagonism to the King's ministers. Inside parliament, the primary concern changed from fears of an over-mighty monarch to the issues of representation, parliamentary reform, and government retrenchment. Reformers sought to destroy what they saw as widespread institutional corruption. However, I will put a stop to this corruption!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How could you not know who I am!!

IM SO FAMOUS IM ON YOUTUBE!?! HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW WHO I AM! - A short film based off my life!

Hello, I presume an introduction is needed? If so, let me begin! My name is William Pitt the Younger, I was born on the 28th of May of the year 1759 at Hayes near Bromley in Kent. That year was also the Anno Mirabilis of the Seven Year’s War, which was conducted by my father William Pitt the Elder. My family was a rather large family of five children. I was the second son and the fourth of the five children. My family was rather politically influenced as I had all sorts of relatives whom were related to Politics from both sides of my family.
          Since, a young age I was a fragile child, with inherited gout. In addition, I was often in extensive care and due to my gout I was treated with a bottle of port (the most toxic of all wines) by Dr. Anthony Addington, I must say I quite enjoyed wine. For this reason, I was taught at home by Reverend Edward Wilson, a Cambridge graduate. I had become competent in Latin at the age of 7; in addition, I had a quick and retentive mind. I was rather inactive as I found books to be more interesting than sporting activities. As a result, my father became peculiar in me, he had sent me to learn Greek and Latin and often made me recite my speeches in front of him. Shortly, after learning Greek and Latin my father sent me to Pembroke Hall in 1773, where I studied classics, math, English history, and political philosophy all at the age of 14. I had graduated with an MA without examination in 1776 (haha I was such a genius)! Although, I had graduated I had become intrigued by the Earl of Chatham and after his death I had entered Lincoln’s Inn to study law in 1778, it was here where I began to conjure a debt I would keep till my death. Shortly after studying law I stood as a candidate for Cambridge University however, I came last in a poll out of five people (Boo-hoo). However, this did not stop me from canvassing patrons for a seat in parliament. Finally, on January 1781, when I was 21 years old I took my seat in the House of Commons. Here the people believed I was my father, thus I attached myself to the Shelburne’s group it was only natural as this was the group my father followed.
          After a couple of years in Parliament, I had demonstrated my oratorical ability which had supported Burke’s Bill of Oeconomical Reform. However, I had spoken rarely until 1783 when I had become a PM. Shortly after this feat, I had achieved a greater feat, at the age of 24 I was appointed the Chancellor of Exchequer. I knew little about my duties, but I was still the name leader of the Government in the Commons. However, later that year I had retired my position.
          One year had passed in February 1784 I was declared a Freeman of the City of London! Also, one month later in March I had retained my position as PM and also won one of the seats for Cambridge University, a constituency I would represent the rest of my life!
          My premiership in peacetime lasted from 1783 until 2789 during the French Revolution. During this time I had rescued my nation from the brink of disaster that was undone by the French War’s which began in 1793! Ugh! Can’t my own country at least maintain my hard work!? I had little in the way of a non-working life. I had never married due to embarrassments of my debt. At the closing of year 1805, my health was poor. On the 9th of November I was toasted the Savior of Europe in the mayor’s banquet. Shortly after, I had dedicated my will to my tutor Bishop-Pretyman and finally my death had reached me on January 23, 1806. My most proud title were the Prime Minister of Great Britain, which I was the youngest ever! And the Chancellor of Exchequer.