Thursday, December 16, 2010

Enlightenment? In America? Cause of the French Revolution?

          America, now free as Great Britain was defeated, has become an independent country. As a new country, I believe they must have written a Constitution. Alas! I was correct one of their politician’s named Thomas Jefferson has written the Constitution of the United States otherwise, known as the Declaration of Independence! My god! Is it true! It can’t be! It must be a dream! On July 4, 1776 America has officially declared their new system of government to give equality to all people! I cannot believe it! Will America be the first to be successful in an Enlightened form of government? The Constitution of the United States claims people will gain freedom of speech, press, and the right to bear arms. In addition, it promises equal rights to all men as all men are considered equal. It may be a dream come true! I have witnessed the results and have also heard from returning soldiers from America that the system is actually working! However, serfdom is still continued, but I believe it will slowly decrease and one day everyone will be equal! Now, how will this result affect Europe? I believe Europe will slowly change into a country of with Enlightenment ideas. AS of now I am the Prime Minister of Great Britain. I shall do the best of my abilities to change Europe into a country like the United States. Furthermore, as the American Revolution revolutionized how citizens of Europe thought about a government based on Enlightenment ideas has lead to the French Revolution! Through the French Revolution I am constantly failing – IT IS UNBEARABLE! My reform bill has failed in addition; I was forced to protect the kingdom's gold reserves by preventing individuals from exchanging banknotes for gold.  I was also forced to introduce Great Britain's first ever income tax. The new tax helped offset losses in indirect tax revenue, which had been caused by a decline in trade. Despite my efforts of and British allies, the French continued to defeat the members of the First Coalition, which collapsed in on 1798!


Gen. Douglas MacArthur said...
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Gen. Douglas MacArthur said...

If I had my way, the House of Commons would have left you to the wolves. Raising taxes to pay off an unnecessary war with the American colonies is a rash move, and you know it. The weight of taxes you have added would surely sink the common farmer like so many ships fighting this war. As a member of Parliament, I believe that Britain should not be at war with the colonies, but instead, should embrace the ideas of liberty they fight for. Although I admired your father, William Pitt the Elder, your service to that insane, incompetent George III will leave Britain in rags and shambles.
- John Wilkes

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