Thursday, December 16, 2010

Debt? Debt? And More Debt!?!?

                                  A Guide to Why National Debt is Bad!
       - Before you read my post, take a look at the video to inform yourself about how national debts work!

          Unbelievable, the national debt of Britain is staggering far too high! Due to, the war with the rebelling colonies, our debt has been rapidly increasing, due to the finance needed for war. Even my imposing taxes cannot pay off this debt! I must create a new method; alas, I got it I shall introduce new measures to reduce smuggling and fraud. I will institute the sinking fund to reduce the national debt as well. Each year, £1,000,000 of the surplus revenue raised by new taxes will to be added to the fund so that it could accumulate interest; eventually, the money in the fund will to be used to pay off the national debt. Hopefully, this new method shall pay off the national debt! However, as a safety precaution I shall change the tax system to improve its efficiency. Finally, I truly believe the national debt shall be paid off. Countless of my methods have been rejected by either the monarchy or parliament. Thus, I am angered as most of my methods were for the good of the country, but were deemed as “unnecessary”.
          Haha it seems, Britain is not the only one with a debt! I must admit, I have gathered quite a debt myself. However, I do not have anyone to leave my debts to as I am not married nor do I have kids. In addition, most of my debts are from decisions which I truly regret such as purchasing a house which my friends convinced me too. However, through much of my success people have helped me satisfy my creditors. Such as my friends whom have helped me sell my house, and the House of Commons who raised money for me. I am truly grateful! I believe my debt is amounted at £40,000, however, on my behalf Parliament has agreed to pay it all for me!


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