Thursday, December 16, 2010

Napoleon Bonaparte! How could you!

         My god! I have been named the “genius of evil” by Napoleon Bonaparte! How can this be! I am a man who has always upheld the right of the monarch to choose ministers and to participate in government, and at the same time I always maintain the privileges of Parliament in the legislative process and in the governing of the country. Suddenly, a man named Napoleon calls me a genius of evil? Impossible, my whole life I have dedicated to the good-welfare of the country! Napoleon is a short and incompetent little fool! Although, he is popular among the people for his victorious battles; I despise him! Napoleon Bonaparte, I believe is becoming too powerful! As days pass I seem him in a higher position and rank. Now he has become a leader. He has created a dictatorship! Countless days pass; it is no doubt Napoleon has become too powerful! He now controls about 1/3 of the Eastern hemisphere! It is impossible for me to handle, I shall retake my position as Minister! I must stand up and take arms against Napoleon alongside Great Britain. Meanwhile, I must bear my old age and health as I believe I am rapidly dying. The Battle of Austerlitz must be successful. I truly believe we can win against Napoleon! However, I have recently received news that my predictions were wrong. Britain has lost. I am heartbroken and drunk. Roll up that map; it will not be wanted these ten years. I am regretful to the loss Britain has recently suffered. I believe these may be the last words I have to speak. I am of old age and I believe I have drunk too much.


Unknown said...

I am proud of you for following my footsteps and becoming a Prime minister like me. It is good to hear that your government survived through the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras. Keep up with the good work son.

William Pitt the Elder

Winston Churchill said...

Dear William Pitt the Younger,

Ah what true words you speak! Napoleon has grown too powerful. He must be stopped! His horrible troops occupied my house and wanted to hurt me and my wife. But thankfully, because of my wife and neighbors' courage we were fine. They eventually left our house but after that frightening incident I can never forgive or sympathize with Napoleon. Like you I "despise him!" I cannot wait for the day he and his horrible empire are defeated.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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