Thursday, December 16, 2010

War? With America!?

          Ahh, I had no idea the situation with the colonies in America would become so out of hand! Supposedly, America furiously dislikes our taxes which, we Great Britain impose onto them. In addition, they believe our system of government, in which, one single authority is in power is ridiculous? Impossible, I would have never expected America to betray Britain, in addition, to starting a revolution and war with us! My god, I fear for Great Britain’s success as countless other European countries are aiding America in the war against us, as a way to achieve revenge! Alas! It seems I have been right to fear for my country! Although, the king believed our army was incomparable to those of the French and colonies, he was wrong! At first, it had seemed the war has been in our favor, however, the combined French and America army was supported with an armed French fleet! My greatest fears have only just begun! It is undeniably possible we Great Britain will lose this war! The time has come! It is official, the combined army of France and America proved ultimately stronger! My country had lost to America. My god, what will become of me and my country! Losing the war to the 13 colonies will no doubt bring shame to Great Britain. It is possible my country will lose its hubris which we had once boasted! I will not let me country quiver, I shall save my country! The defeat heightened dissension and escalated political antagonism to the King's ministers. Inside parliament, the primary concern changed from fears of an over-mighty monarch to the issues of representation, parliamentary reform, and government retrenchment. Reformers sought to destroy what they saw as widespread institutional corruption. However, I will put a stop to this corruption!


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